Education and Leadership
Rt. Rev. Samuel Noi Mensah is the President of the Full Gospel Church International, the first Penteco-charismatic church in the country and headquartered in Tema with several branches in Ghana and 6 abroad.
He holds a Bachelor of Theology from the Eston College (Canada), Master in Governance and Leadership from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration ( GIMPA), Master of Arts in Social Policy Studies from University of Ghana and Master of Arts in Organisational Development from the Organisation Development Institute.
Hungry as he is to pursue further knowledge to improve his skills as a leader, he is currently pursuing a PhD program in Governance and Leadership at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA).
Leadership Development and Transition Management Consultant
As a Leadership Development consultant, Bishop Mensah addresses critical issues affecting all aspects of human, social and spiritual development.
He is pragmatic leader, trainer, coach and international conference speaker with a sturdy belief that all human beings are created to make contributions to life. As a transition management consultant, he has been involved in several transition management processes with minimum casualties.
Social Policy Advocate
As a Social Policy Advocate, Bishop Samuel Mensah believes in the empowerment of the ordinary Ghanaian especially the youth and women in society. In his view, any institution or nation that invests into the development of the youth has a brighter future.
He has been a strong campaigner for Social Justice with several graphic publications to his credit. His anchor cardinal points as a social advocate is what he termed “SHADE”. S – Social Justice, H- Human Development , A- Assist the poor, D- Deprivation and E- Empowerment of the Next Generation.
As part of his advocacy role, Bishop Mensah has been a campaigner for socio-cultural transformation with his call to the government to consider the establishment of a department for socio-cultural and attitudinal change.
Bishop Samuel N. Mensah as part of his philanthropic drive has established a yearly outreach program in the Full Gospel Church International since 2007 where thousands of people from the rural and urban communities are clothed and fed each year after which the word of God is ministered to them for the salvation of souls.
In adherence to the lessons in Jesus’s parable of caring for the needy, poor and those in prison according to Matthew 25:43, Bishop Mensah has led the church since 2010 to reach out to the inmates in the Ghana’s prisons through various forms of donations both in cash and in Kind and ultimately sharing the word of God with them. He is staunch believer of meeting the needs of people with his cardinal anchor of “you are save to serve”.
Under his leadership as the President of the church, the Full Gospel Church International is strategically positioned to meet the health needs of the community by conducting medical outreach in communities and also donating of health equipment at hospitals.
Organizational Development (OD) Practitioner
As an OD Practitioner, Bishop Mensah has helped institutions and faith based organisations redefine and crafts its own vision and organisational culture.
He is one of the 15-member Council of the National Executive of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches (GPCC), and currently stands as the longest serving executive member of the Council.
i. CEO – Omega Consultancy Services
i. Chairman, Menergy (GH) International 2009-Present
ii. Chairman, Chiropractic around the World 2010-Present
iii. Member of the leadership-teaching faculty for the 2008-Present
Million Leaders Mandate of John C. Maxwell for Ghana
iv. Leadership facilitator of Global Leadership Summit of 2010-2015
Willow Greek Association, Chicago, USA.
v. Principal of Full Gospel Institute 1988-1998
Selected Key Achievements and Awards
1. Since his tenure, he has moved FGCI’s coverage from 25 to over 80 branches locally and 6 branches in Europe pursuing a strategic vision of 500 branches and one million members by year 2033.
2. Revised the FGEM governing convention into a living FGCI Constitution to enhance the effective running of the church.
3. Enhanced the image, relevance and training-delivery competences of the Full Gospel Institute through affiliation with the Bethany International University of Singapore for the award of a 2-year Diploma in Theology and Mission.
4. Instituted the “Ghana Day” celebration at FGCI in commemoration of Ghana’s Independence Day to instil the sense of patriotism in members. Since 2008, this national honouring idea of the church has been championed and the pulpit used as an active partner in national development and is celebrated on the first Sunday after 6th March every year.
5. Rt. Rev. S.N. Mensah is prolific writer with several incisive publications to his credit including: Developing Spiritual Maturity, Keys to Financial Prosperity, Ten Commandments of Expansion, and his current blockbuster book published in 2016,Vision, the Fuel that Drives Leaders.
6. As a visionary leader, he developed a vision model S.P.E.C.I.A.L. which enables leaders to craft inspiring vision that sticks with people. (Specific, People oriented Challenging, Inspiring, Audacious and Long term).
Rt. Rev Mensah is a recipient of
several awards including:
1. Africa International Award Of Merit 2018
2. West Africa Noble Forum 2017
3. Suhum Sec.Tech. Old Students Ass. ( Most Contributing old Student) 2017
4. Best Student, Master of Governance and Leadership 2012
School of Governance and Leadership (GIMPA)
5. Excellence in Pastoral and Apostolic Leadership – 2009
Global Leadership Training Institute, New York, USA
Publications. He has authored several books to his credit.